Cross-compiling gcc, glibc and all that. Monday 16th July 2007
Yippee! I finally managed to get a working cross-compiler x86 -> x86_64 on one of my linux boxes setup with c++ and shared library support. gcc, the kernel and glibc have the most annoying set of interdependencies so doing a ground up build is horribly painful, consisting of several rounds of bootstrapping. Like most people who manage this I’m so fed up with the whole process that I can’t be bothered to document what I did right now… however, I want to do it all again so that I can verify that I can do it from clean. When I do, I shall attempt to document the cleanest way to do this.
Just so this post contains one thing useful, this was the best resource that i found, so thank you to “vapier” @ “gentoo”.