Implementation of operator+ Monday 18th May 2009
Previously I’ve written about the performance implications of passing and returning values. It turns out that it needn’t be too expensive and that passing temporaries or initialising objects from function returns need not entail object copies.
class Num { public: Num( const Num& ); Num& operator=( const Num& ); Num& operator+=( const Num& ); private: long _data[4]; };
Here’s a test class the might represent some sort of number. As discussed, here’s one possible implementation of operator+.
Num operator+( Num l, const Num& r ) { return l += r; }
It’s probably about the shortest implementation in number of characters and, superficially, it looks quite good on keeping object copies to a minimum. There’s a single return statement so the compiler should be able to use the ‘return value optimization’ to avoid the copy on return. We also need to copy (or at least construct a new object) at least once, and that happens when we copy the parameter l.
There are however some subtleties.
Here’s a function that uses operator+ in a reasonable simple way that shouldn’t add any extra copies:
void TakeNum( const Num& r ) throw(); void F( const Num& l, const Num& r ) { TakeNum( l + r ); }
I’ll show the assembler for the calling routine and for operator+ so that we can account for all the copies necessary in calling operator+. I’ve ‘demangled’ the function names so while it’s no longer valid assembler, it is at least human-readable. I also took the liberty of pruning some alignment directives and exception handling labels. They’re very important, but not relevant to this discussion.
F(Num const&, Num const&): movq %rbx, -24(%rsp) movq %rbp, -16(%rsp) movq %r12, -8(%rsp) subq $88, %rsp movq %rsi, %r12 leaq 32(%rsp), %rbp movq %rdi, %rsi movq %rbp, %rdi call Num::Num(Num const&) movq %r12, %rdx movq %rbp, %rsi movq %rsp, %rdi call operator+(Num, Num const&) movq %rsp, %rdi call TakeNum(Num const&) movq 64(%rsp), %rbx movq 72(%rsp), %rbp movq 80(%rsp), %r12 addq $88, %rsp ret
OK, so we’re calling a copy constructor and then calling operator+, then we can call ‘TakeNum’ on the return value. This makes sense as the first parameter is taken by value so we need to copy it.
operator+(Num, Num const&): pushq %rbx movq %rdi, %rbx movq %rsi, %rdi movq %rdx, %rsi call Num::operator+=(Num const&) movq %rbx, %rdi movq %rax, %rsi call Num::Num(Num const&) movq %rbx, %rax popq %rbx ret
Well, we have a second copy inside the operator+, in addition to the one outside the function for constructing the first parameter. This isn’t ideal. We know that we want to just return the first parameter as the return value, but because the caller arranged for the parameter copy and they don’t know that we want it constructed in the return value we can’t avoid this extra copy.
Perhaps we should go back to taking the first parameter by const reference again so that we can at least control where we make the copy.
Take 2:
Num operator+( const Num& l, const Num& r ) { return Num( l ) += r; }
Caller (same code, different signature for operator+):
F(Num const&, Num const&): pushq %rbx movq %rsi, %rdx movq %rdi, %rsi subq $32, %rsp movq %rsp, %rdi call operator+(Num const&, Num const&) movq %rsp, %rdi call TakeNum(Num const&) addq $32, %rsp popq %rbx ret
That’s good we now have no copies occuring outside operator+, just the call to operator+ and the TakeNum call.
operator+(Num const&, Num const&): movq %rbx, -24(%rsp) movq %rbp, -16(%rsp) movq %rdi, %rbx movq %r12, -8(%rsp) subq $56, %rsp movq %rdx, %r12 movq %rsp, %rdi call Num::Num(Num const&) movq %r12, %rsi movq %rsp, %rdi call Num::operator+=(Num const&) movq %rbx, %rdi movq %rax, %rsi call Num::Num(Num const&) movq %rbx, %rax movq 40(%rsp), %rbp movq 32(%rsp), %rbx movq 48(%rsp), %r12 addq $56, %rsp ret
OK, we’ve still got two copies going on. First the new temporary is constructed from l, then, after calling +=, we’re copying the return value again. What’s going on here?
Look carefully at the definition of operator+=. It returns a reference to a Num. We know it returns a reference to its left hand operand, or it really ought to, but there’s not anything in the function signature that actually specifies this. For all the information in the signature, it might return a reference to a completely unrelated Num and the compiler is not allowed to ‘take a chance’.
We know that we just want to return the copy of the parameter that we just made, so lets make that explicit.
Take 3:
Num operator+( const Num& l, const Num& r ) { Num n( l ); n += r; return n; }
The calling code remains the same as we haven’t changed the signature of operator+ this time.
operator+(Num const&, Num const&): movq %rbx, -16(%rsp) movq %rbp, -8(%rsp) movq %rdi, %rbx subq $24, %rsp movq %rdx, %rbp call Num::Num(Num const&) movq %rbp, %rsi movq %rbx, %rdi call Num::operator+=(Num const&) movq %rbx, %rax movq 16(%rsp), %rbp movq 8(%rsp), %rbx addq $24, %rsp ret
That’s better! We just have the single copy. In the use of operator+ we’ve only had to construct one new Num object which is as minimal as it gets, having been passed two const references to the incoming Num values.
Sometimes it pays to be explicit over being succinct.
I must say I much prefer Take 3 over the original implementation, just for its clarity (to me). I could easily miss an & and be confused.
Or rather, miss the lack of an &.